Environment Lifestyle

I have posted in awhile as there hasn't been much environment news to talk about.. All I have seen in the last little while is about Energy costs on the high list for people around the world... This is a disappointment for the world as they don't seem to really care about the world and everythign involved in bring the costs down at all..

What I would like to see is a move towards clearer energy faster than they have in the past.. Just now the world is taking notice as there must be a whole energy shortage in the next few years.. If they would have figured that 10 years ago, then we would not be in this mess.. We need more people buying energy that is safe, clean, and lasts longer to save energy costs.. Everyone around the world, people are just waking up to see that energy is a huge cost..

Along side energy, there needs to be a push to get people to understand a lifestyle change is needed to save the environment.. I feel that we are driving towards a place of no return where the amount of people on this earth is killing the environment faster and faster every year.. I don't want to see our environment killed because we are too lazy to fix what we have.. If we are all lazy then the world will be killed before we are able to see the real advances that people want to see everyday..

I see this is the year everyone needs to push to get the environment on top of all governments list.. We need to see that the fix is not just a fix for a generation but a fix for a life time.. Do your part and open the whole environment issue, talk to family and friends debate this issue.. Everyone who talks about this issue brings in their own way of fixing the environment and in the end everyone is a winner...

Lifestyle is a push, and if we learn in the past we will win over no one.. I still feel it is hard for even the most environmentally friendly person to do everything right...
