Local and Global Issues

I have been thinking for awhile about issues that are close to me, and seeing that a lot of issues we have in developing nations have been solved here in Canada decades ago... How could in countries other than North America, Europe, and Australia, why are these issues so widespread? I still feel that Canada is years ahead of many countries in the rest of the world, but when issues that push us back into an almost third world country situation, we try to brush it up the rug... Is Canada any better than the rest of the world, no, not at all..

Issues that I am talking about are ones like: Water, Food, School, Women Issues and Equality, Rights for Poor, and Youth... These issues are so wide spread, and affect everyone in the world at least once... In the Western Society we think all these issues are gone, but everyday these issues come up and no one is reporting them.. If one person tried to help these Local and Global issues, then we would be even better off.

There is this really amazing org called WaterAid from the UK that is slowly providing water from wells and pipelines to individual places in Africa.. They don't have an office here in Canada, but would be an amazing org to work for in the future.. Water gives so many people in the world life, food, and a chance at work.. If even one person gets clean water for a week that can prolong their life even further.

We see around the world, drought, not enough money, too much water, gmos, and so on and so on.. Farmers around the world are being taken over by the weather, governments not supporting them, and bigger companies that are evil and want to destroy them... This issue affects everyone worldwide, and is just growing in North America but have been around for decades in developing nations.. Seems that smaller farmers can't make a living anymore with farms and leave the business, and turn to other fields.. When that happens, seems they don't have the knowledge needed for other job sectors... Why not support the farmers everywhere, and cut down on large scale companies coming into the farming industry...

I read today on Free The Children that if you send a kid to school for three years, that can turn the whole families live around.. Most of the time this doesn't happen, as parents need to work in the city and the oldest kid needs to look after the house, water, food, and siblings.. If jobs were created locally, then kids would be able to go to school, and be educated.. Even with this, not enough money is made, and the oldest kid has to work to support the family.. Kids are the life line of the world, and the questions they ask are better then most adults ask... Also most kids don't care about all the talk and gabber that governments do, they just want to see direct action.. School is a way for kids to see action into results fast, and putting every kid into some sort of school is better then them working for a living at the age of 10..

Women Issues and Equality, this is a whole one, and I believe, they are treated so badly, that we are nowhere close to making men and women Equal... Craig Kielburger, head of Free The Children recently wrote in the Toronto Star, that when he visited Saudi Arabia, he was able to visit a girls only school.. This is something amazing that he was able to arrange with the school by just getting all the parents to agree.. When he was there, he started to take about issues that affect youth in general, and then one girl jumped out of her sit, and said "Women Rights".. This is something that needs to be talked about more everywhere, not just in countries where the worse Women Rights are practiced... In Canada, I don't see this talked about much anymore as people think this issue is solved, and all we need to do is hire more women.. Why can't we just say, that we need 50% of men and 50% of women in every single place of work... Females, who are growing up now, need to take this issue hard, and continue to push everyone into making a better world for themselves... I remember seeing and reading about how women changes the world decades ago, but seems in the 90's and 00's, there has been less women involves in issues that affect them in developed nations but a raise in developing nations..

Rights for Poor is a growing issue, and I recently saw on CBC, here in Canada, that a woman in Vancouver is trying to help the poor.. She goes around every morning finds one person who is willing to get off the street, and helps them get an apartment, and all their information up to date.. She does this by working with the offices that work with poor people, and all three levels of government.. Really this could be started anywhere in the world, and instead of a house, we could give the right people jobs.. In places like India, Chad, and just wherever, this can be uprooted and places everywhere in the world, and help billions of people do things.. I still think we need Rights for Poor people, who are living on the street with no future, but I believe that in 10 years if we work with this women's program and put it in every major city in Canada, then we could reduce the amount of people on the street by half or even 80%...

Youth Issues are the biggest one on my mind as I see tons of Youth with great ideas, but never knowing how to take them forward.. Like for example I have had so many ideas in my mind over the last 10 years, but no way of making them possible, as no one knew how.. Sometimes, I think Youth also don't take enough interest in issues around them to see change in this world.. I am not taking about Global issues, just local ones, even like recycling more at home.. Most Youth that have issues or problems or even ideas, adults just don't care about them at all, as kids are just kids.. I don't see more adults really giving Youth a voice in anything, the number has stayed the same over decades.. I just feel that Youth have ideas beyond what adults can think, as Youth never limit themselves to what can happen...

All of this, I am writing is mostly about Youth and Women around the world, helping create a more interactive and creative world.. One thing I don't see is Males helping out a lot in making this world better, just making it worse over time.. Not saying all Males are bad, just in general males are less involved with Youth, and their ideas are shaped early on in life and never changed.. I read that lots of men around the world, do nothing to help the family, or even look for jobs.. One example is in Kenya, one women walks longs ways to get their clean water, and gather water for 5 mins, and then put the jug on their head and walk back.. The husbands just sit around a tree all day, and wait until something happens, normally just debate the issues that are going on around them..

We need more people looking at these issues and helping solve them with new and radical ideas.. I am sure that there are tons of people with ideas about these issues but never have the urge to really get them out into the world.. Taking one issue at a time, and create local solutions for every issue is the best way of solving everything in the world... Just everyone sees government after government coming in and being same old same old, and we need more grassroots groups to work with the local people and create livable ways of making the communities better.. Africa is the best place for the world to look for new and developing ideas that are created locally and help everyone in the communities.. The different between developing nations and developed nations, is that more people are outside everyday no matter what the weather is in developing nations, and in developed nations people are so worried about a little rain, or it being a little cold to go outside..

Start Now to help save the world, and create a much better and creative place to live...


Anonymous said…
K. Like i sais b4, governemnt is all economical. Like one big buisness. TO support the money of our country, they care abt the big major buisness. And i doubt that, but water is a big issue. 25% is water. 2% is fresh water and 1% we use. To continues these crops we need to find away farmers can have enough water for their crops to distibute throughout the world.Agriculture is important to our society everywhere around the world. It's the way we survive in healthwise. It's how we get our food. ALogn with that, that plan abt the free children thing. THat is a great idea. OFr example, the eldest is 19 and has younger siblings who are like 11 and 14. the eldest, sinc eold enough, is the new gaurdian after both parents are dead and no near family near them. And I already said abt women's rights. And equality. With rough times like these, the only way a country can unite together is to not be bais upon ppl. If not we're just savages. Peoople who care only for their needs and or thir family's needs. By making fun of other races, you're giving pleasssure to yourself of humor. Especially at hard times, this wont be setting an example at all. It just shows how low we as people of our country are and can be. So these are serious problems our world needs to fix. Kids not getting education bcs of money problems, water, women's rigths, and equality. Its a rough path to get started, but as a person of this planet, i believe we can make it through these rough times.