World and Environment Updates

As I post this, just a few mins ago I was reading this article on Darfur and a Women who branches out in the Washington Post..
Women branches out in Durfar - Washington Post
This women is amazing, she has been telling stories of what really is going on in Darfur for many years without the government doing anything.. She writes everything herself, and this was all started by her sister, which is a really amazing approach to journalism.

I have been reading about a way to get rid of Garbage someone gave me, and they are able to buy this huge machine, and just put any amount of garbage in there, then the garbage vanishs and energy comes out.. Yes it is a good thing to have this in the long run, but this machine is so big that you need to take up huge portions of land just to install this...
Machine of Future
Even those this guy who invented the whole machine is really amazing, just I don't feel that using this would solve the garbage problem.. I feel overall we need to just waste less, and recycle, reduce, reuse more.. This way more people would be able to live in the next generations without saying "What is grass?"

Over the last weekend, I went to a rally that was about Kyoto called Canadians for Kyoto... Yes Kyoto isn't the best way of going about things, but this is just a start in the right direction, and puts pressure on governments to do more.. When I listened to the speeches that people were talking about, they are all in the right direction, but they are putting the pressure on the Canadian government which is wrong.. They should be putting the pressure on Canadians to change just one thing at a time.. I really saw support for this issue of Kyoto in the masses at the rally, but I feel the right way to get out the message is to protest..
In Canada, I do see that Harper isn't doing everything right about this, but he is giving money for clean air.. How do we stop the Oil Companies that everyone is angry about stop driving the cars, or drive cars that are totally fuel indepent of Oil... You have to take your own approach to the cause, not just say "OH Harper isn't doing anything, so I shouldn't." Now I see Canada introducting bills getting right of the light blub, and bring in energy saving ones.. Where did we see that first that is right AUSTRALIA. Why can't Canada do anything that is leading the charge? We have individuals who do lead the charge, but never a government as they are too tied to who BIG BUSINESS and OIL COMPANIES, yes you LIBERALs, and PC or CONSERVATIVES.

Everyone says that I am a left side of the politic parties, but for me, I do see that supporting the troops, and thinking about security is a good thing.. Just in this day and age, we take it too far, and that is something that is crazy.. If we really needed $15 Billion for the military, that would be good, but why $15 Billion just to put ourselves into a war.. As for security, yes we need to be aware of the people who are causing harm to our world, just not lock them up without them knowing the charges.. Our the US has CUBA for 99 Years, well we have the secret Canadian Government for 140 Years.. I have only seen in the last two governing parties has anyone waken up to this..

Beyond all this crazyness that I speak about, I am working on a new site for Boiling Frog, and they are an amazing group of people to work with.. They really tell me what it is like, and when I talk to them about my views, they help me in telling me where I am wrong or right.. As the website, this is the first one I have gone that has really got me into doing whatever I wanted, and I just come with ideas, and they just support me if it looks good.. Boiling Frog is a place I would like to stick with for years to come, and as they move out to Sask, and built a veichle that they can live out of this is a step into the right direction.. If anything, I would love to visit them in Sask in the near future for sure, and be able to head out west too..
