Sciences of Life

I have just started a new semester two weeks ago, and all the classes were really boring until I reached the last class of the week.. This is my General Education class where you can take any class out of a handful that the school lets you.. I choose Sciences of Life and I really like with the teacher as he uses the whiteboard in the class instead of slides that make me fall asleep..

In the class we are learning mostly about Biology and about how life is related to the whole earth and all other sciences.. The whole class is very nice as we are always asked what we think and the teacher takes the class relaxed.. We all enjoy the class, and know that this is more interesting then all the other classes we take...

If I could do something in environmentally science that would be great for me, just I am not sure I could work in that area.. Is there some way I can get into the environmental area, all I am seeing is volunteering... Anyway I look at this I am going to be stuck in the area of program I study..

As for issues that have come up in the past few weeks, not many in the Environment area.. What I have seen is a huge switch in the world politics to the left side of the spectrum... All of this is going to change the rest of the world but in the US they might still be on the right side of the spectrum for many years to come.. With all of this switch a very environmental agenda will come about, and make this world just a little better..

With all of this, I still feel that countries are being pushed by Oil Companies to kill the Kyoto plan, and slow down the process.. When all of this is put into reality this really affects everyone in this world.. No one in the Oil Companies think about Global Warming at all, and this is killing me as they will never do that.. I am reading a book called "Feeling the Heat" and this is all about accounts that journalists have done in different parts of the world on Global Warming..

We need to start at the Grassroots to get more people to think Environmentally friendly... Myself I am trying to turn into an environmentally friendly person and open a better world.. Telling others is hard when people haven't been environmentally friendly for there whole life.. I notice that I am trying to do the right thing, and change one person at a time and this is working big time.. I feel that in the next year or two if nothing is done to fix the problem, then we are going to start to see a whole new World out there...

Be warned that if we don't fix the problem then the kids of the next generation will live in a world where animals were be gone.. These are not just animals on the land but in the ocean too, we are affecting the whole world..

This is a call to all people in all generations to clean up your act, and give us your skills to let the world live on...
