Environmental Project
Yes as you know I have started to get into the Environment area and believe that the first area we can show progress in is the garbage area.. Right now, we see everyday tons and tons of people putting cans, bottles, food waste in the wrong garbage.. Mostly I feel that is only because we are unaware, and lazy in this North American society, and if we just spend 2 more seconds thinking about our way of life the garbage will be unbelieveablely less... Another factor is when you come up to a garbage can, there is no place for your recycleables or paper, and all you have to do is place that in the garbage.. I have had the experience of having to bring my recycles, paper, and other things to my house to recycle them...
Since I started this idea, there have been four people who have come onboard with me, and I will be including there material in my blog.. We will be including photos, video, art, music, and any other material that we find or use to express ourselves.. You will be getting an international feel to this issue, and learn how other places around the world deal with garbage.. We feel that making the material avaliable to others will increase the chances that more people will want to be involved in the project..
Toronto: In Toronto, we have been using for a few years, a three system waste management program.. First, we have a garbage bin, where all the garbage that is real garbage goes there. Second, a recycling bin, which includes any mentals, and papers, this is an effort system but doesn't include as much as could be. Last, we have an organic waste which is for food, tissue, and other organics that can be composted. These three bins are really important in improving the way Toronto sorts the garbage we have here.. My only feeling is we don't go far enough, as any garbage going to a landfill is bad, even 1%, and I know we could reuse, recycle or reduce our garbage to 0%.
Mexico: In the Mexico City more than 19 million persons live (habit). The Mexico City divides in two principal sectors the Federal District, with 1 500 km2 and the metropolitan zone with 1 728 km2. It thinks that every inhabitant of the Mexico City every day rejects an average of a kilogram of garbage, which means that every day there are rejected more than 19 thousand daily tons that will need a space where to be deposited. The process of deposition of the tailing does not finish when the citizen eliminates something, when this happens scarcely it is the beginning of a great quantity of relation.
the forms in which the persons eliminate what is not useful, it is of giving the garbage to the sweeper who cleans his(her) zone, that sweeper will pass certain days to gather the garbage. Once the sweeper has filled his(her,your) " cart of garbage ", he goes to a recollector truck to empty the content of his cart.
The truck will gather the garbage of the carts. then deposit garbage in one of the ten stations of transference, where a trailer will fill with capacity from 20 to 25 tons of garbage. The truck will take the garbage to the "tiraderos" (tiradero= is the place where the garbage is issue ). Once the garbage came to the tiradero and was taken to the corresponding tiradero, the pepenadores ( pepenador is the person that gather the garbage from the tiraderos) will classify the tailing inside bundles, that after being tied will be taken to the pesadero. In the pesadero the classified tailing will be weighed The weigher will store for some days the products and then he will will sell it to companies or to intermediaries.
Since I started this idea, there have been four people who have come onboard with me, and I will be including there material in my blog.. We will be including photos, video, art, music, and any other material that we find or use to express ourselves.. You will be getting an international feel to this issue, and learn how other places around the world deal with garbage.. We feel that making the material avaliable to others will increase the chances that more people will want to be involved in the project..
Toronto: In Toronto, we have been using for a few years, a three system waste management program.. First, we have a garbage bin, where all the garbage that is real garbage goes there. Second, a recycling bin, which includes any mentals, and papers, this is an effort system but doesn't include as much as could be. Last, we have an organic waste which is for food, tissue, and other organics that can be composted. These three bins are really important in improving the way Toronto sorts the garbage we have here.. My only feeling is we don't go far enough, as any garbage going to a landfill is bad, even 1%, and I know we could reuse, recycle or reduce our garbage to 0%.
Mexico: In the Mexico City more than 19 million persons live (habit). The Mexico City divides in two principal sectors the Federal District, with 1 500 km2 and the metropolitan zone with 1 728 km2. It thinks that every inhabitant of the Mexico City every day rejects an average of a kilogram of garbage, which means that every day there are rejected more than 19 thousand daily tons that will need a space where to be deposited. The process of deposition of the tailing does not finish when the citizen eliminates something, when this happens scarcely it is the beginning of a great quantity of relation.
the forms in which the persons eliminate what is not useful, it is of giving the garbage to the sweeper who cleans his(her) zone, that sweeper will pass certain days to gather the garbage. Once the sweeper has filled his(her,your) " cart of garbage ", he goes to a recollector truck to empty the content of his cart.
The truck will gather the garbage of the carts. then deposit garbage in one of the ten stations of transference, where a trailer will fill with capacity from 20 to 25 tons of garbage. The truck will take the garbage to the "tiraderos" (tiradero= is the place where the garbage is issue ). Once the garbage came to the tiradero and was taken to the corresponding tiradero, the pepenadores ( pepenador is the person that gather the garbage from the tiraderos) will classify the tailing inside bundles, that after being tied will be taken to the pesadero. In the pesadero the classified tailing will be weighed The weigher will store for some days the products and then he will will sell it to companies or to intermediaries.