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I have been on this world wind of a program that took me 6 months away from Toronto.. I spend 3 months in Guelph, Ontario, and 3 months in Hathin, India.. The first 3 months, were so amazing, and I learned many new things about the world and myself, which really made me happy.. As for the last 3 months in India, they really opened my eyes to new experiences and new adventures that I will never forget and I will always want to remember... Overall the whole program opened my eyes to a new world, and I feel that in the end, the world is a new place to explore and experience.. I am going to miss my host family in Guelph, and India, but most of all I am going to miss my group which really helped me grow as a person, and become a better more improved global citizen...

There is too much to say right now in this blog, but I will really get all the photos and videos, and everything that I have done in the last 6 months up somewhere for people to see and enjoy.. Right now, I am trying to get all the photos sorted out, and then I will figure out all the videos right after that.. My only problem is making sure that, I have put a creative edge to all my work that I am going to do.. This is something that is really hard to do, but I know by the end, the whole family will see something new and really enjoy the whole thing.. One idea I got was to make videos about my experience, but I thought that would be me sitting here talking about everything, and I thought "Do I have the pose to get people to sit and listen to me?"...

Coming back to Toronto, Ontario, Canada is really weird, there is so much that I want to do now, and I just need to figure out what I want to do in the next year.. The only thing is, I just don't want to stay sitting around doing nothing for too long, I have been back for a little over a week, and my mind is going blah.. What I need to do is find something creative to do in the next few days or my brain will explode... The whole Toronto is the same, and I really need to explore the city more to find places that will give me the inspiration to move onto my next stage in life...

My goal right now is to get a job for the next little while to see if that works out, figure out if school is the right option or not, and get into the photo, art, video, music area and combine all of them in a creative way.. If anyone has ideas, that would really help me explore my mind more.. What I would like to do is more of my weirdness combined with a more environmental aspect look... Right now I am in Computers, but would like to transitation into the world of the environment, that is a really big area for me.. As with anything, there are leaps that I have to make, but in the end I know that the environment area will be my passion for my whole life..

The biggest thing I noticed when I got back to Toronto was that, I was in culture shock as there was no people, cars, honking, dogs, or anything in the world.. Along with that, my family didn't change that much over the last 6 months, and I feel they have stayed the same.. As soon as I got back, they were asking me, "can you do this or that?", and there was so much not done too.. Whenever I go away from my family, they seem to stop doing everything and just continue on little things that they enjoy.. I still feel that my family is great, and they really help me improve, but whenever I improve, and come back they never seem to see the improvement, just the pain..

As I said above my goals are to get into the Environment, yet that is a far away goal.. Right now, my goal is to just be able to see my friends in other parts of the world, and Canada... This would really make me happy, and just to work in different places in the world would be amazing, and give me so much strength that I never had before.. I have friends in SK, Quebec, NB, Ontario, Nunvaut, Alberta, and BC, which are a combinement of Katimavik and Canada World Youth... Right now my plan is to go visit many of them in SK, and explore the places around there for sure.. I know that as soon as I can, I will be travelling the world, and working in many different places, and enjoying so much more then I could ever be enjoying in Toronto at this point..

One last thing as you all are wondering did my Urdu or Hindi improve? Well, in India, I was living with a Hindu family, and yes I did improve my Hindi, but I can't speak on demand.. I just know that this has improved lots as when my father speaks to any of his friends, I understand some of the words and this is really amazing for me.. Am I going to continue my Hindi or Urdu? For sure I will continue to improve my speech in these languages, just I needed a break as I wanted to rest myself until I was fully ready to get back into this.. How am I going to improvemy language skills? I will spend 5 or 10 mins a day learning new words, and then I will use them in everyday speech.. This is what I thought helped the most when I was in India, but sometimes people are like, "What are you trying to say?"... Another thing I learned was that English is the slowest language in the world, yes I might be thinking that because I know the language, but I feel that you have to slow down English as many people don't have the full vocaburlary...


om said…
right now i want to know where your pictures are! give some links yo

ps get rid of the word verification in your comments. it's frustrating, and if you ever start getting comment spam just delete it. if it gets bad, re-enable word verification. i've had it off on my blog for a while now and i haven't seen much spam.
Anonymous said…
Shawn, you haven't changed at all. :P