Starting down the road of 2019

In 2018, I haven't had the best year, with family issues, work going south and not feeling myself in what I was doing.  This has been hard to get moving in the way I wanted to in 2018.  Everything has been sour, and really bummed out about life in general.

Yet, not all of 2018 was bad.  I was able to meet new people who are great and really made me smile this year.  With this, people give me compliments for knowing so much and being able to connect people together.  The talents, I have is being a good listener and really focusing in on what people are saying and how to bring out the parts that will help.

I am closing out 2018, and looking forward to 2019.  Starting 2019, I will be having at least one new experience everyday.  In each experience, I will be documenting them on this blog and really making a point to get down to the details.  If I miss a day, I will make sure that I continue on the next day.  Yet, I will still blog everyday and make sure I document why I missed doing a new experience.

A bit of a background on the goal, I have always wanted to experience more but never really put this goal into writing.  Putting this down in writing has made me feel happy and given me a sense of feeling proud.  I have this saying in my head that goes "I know you can do this" and "trying is the first step to make this work out."

With the experience goal, the world around me is going to explode and really challenge me.  Everyday, I will have to get out of my comfort zone and explore something new that I haven't done before.  I can't do all the challenges inside my house so I will have to go outside and expand my horizon.  Even small goals will work out but I will need them to jump start towards bigger goals or I will be learning very little through the year.

2019 is going to be a breakthrough year and I want the community to come along with me as I document everyday.  I am calling this, "The year I challenged myself".
