Dislike of Fake Meat / Veggie Burgers

I haven't been a fan of fake meat and veggie burgers since I first started veganism which has been years.  Maybe, even before as I had already ate tons of veggie burgers and my parents didn't buy fake meat as this grossed them out.  With that, in society people are trying to say, you need to create fake meat or burger that tastes exactly like the original, non-vegan version.  If there are other ways to get all the nutrients needed with 100% veggies, fruits etc, why would you want to recreate something that reminds you of animals that suffered to make the non-vegan version?

People are going to say, there must be something you eat or drink that is trying to recreate a non-vegan version.  The only item that I really do drink that might copy non-vegan version are plant based milks.  The ones, I tend to use the most are soy or almond but I am open to trying all the other types.   On a side note, I have re-framed the word milk to beverage as I am trying to move away from non-vegan words.

Getting back on track, for the fake meat part, I don't get the real reason people like them.  There is new fake meat all the time, and people all over the place rate them "how they like them" and "how close to you think they are to the non-vegan version."  I get so annoyed as to why we need to compare vegan to non-vegan foods.  We are trying to get people to move to vegan food and not have that craving.  Some people who have cravings for the old food, stop being vegan, and say "I love my non-vegan version and can't find anything like this in vegan food."

As I said above, I have eaten a lot of veggie burgers in my life and even as a vegan.  People still do buy me veggie burgers but they only see the veggie burger label and say "this is vegan, lets buy this", without reading the labels that say milk or milk ingredients inside.  Even with that, I do like making burgers with portabello mushrooms instead of veggie burgers.

To go even further, I haven't had the impossible or beyond meat burgers either, and don't feel the craving to get them ever.  To get more customers, fast food joints are now making sure they have one or the other on the menu and even with that people say, this is missing vegan cheese and vegan mayo.  Really, you need to make your burger exactly the same as non-vegan fast food?

Overall, we should be eating veggies, fruit, nuts and more that are better for us and really taste great.  I feel some of the best food is very local grown food that people get from a farmer's market or even from a backyard closer by.  The reason is that you get to embrace your community, and really eat what is grown in your neck of the woods.
