Getting Life Organized

I have been trying to get my life organized as I mention in an earlier post around schedule and budget.  Yet, I am also trying to get a job, get some communication sorted out, have some self care time, and figure out housing situation.  All of which for me has not been easier or great for the last couple of years.  For me, every year seems to be the same as I try to improve everything I mentioned, I end up back in the same place.

With all of this, this year and more in the past couple of weeks, I have been watching many YouTube videos about organizing life, saving money, and getting the most out of life.  I have learned so much that I am full of new ideas to get my life sorted and organized.

Moving forward, I am looking a job that is enjoyable and I can do well in.  I have had many jobs in IT, as a freelancer, and in the environmental sector plus many others.  Each one does come with challenges and good highlights.  Yet, I am not able to stay in the jobs for more than 6 months which is because of various different reasons.  This is why, I am trying to find a job where I can stay at least a year.  For my generation, a lot of our jobs have been called precarious work as most jobs in our life are not stable and for the long-term.

A skill, I need to get a job is communications which has been up and down in my life.  Lately, I have been really enjoying sorting out how to talk to people better.  This has really been making me feel happier and turn my thoughts into pillows of good.  Over the years, I have tried to do the class lessons to speak better, getting involved in volunteering and giving speeches, and my normal routine which has helped me.  The piece, I am still learning is how to communicate one-on-one, and deal with eye contact.

Talking about jobs and communications is very tiring which leads me to self care.  I did talk about book clubs, I am apart of that is helping me learn.  I am also trying to do meditation, yoga, and other exercise as well.  As with everything, I wish I could get outside more and do some hiking, biking etc but I never prioritize these ever.  The weather has also placed with this where this is too hot or too cold or too rain etc, and my mind can't handle all of that.

Last, my situation with housing has been changing over the year.  Yet, I do wish I could have a place that is more long-term without having to move back to my parents.  I have lived away from my parents place a number of times in my life but they are never a long-term solution.  This is why, I need a situation that will be long-term and be able to get more out of the place.

As you can see, most of what I want to get out of organizing my life is to get a longer term figured out.  The short term is what I am doing now but whenever I get them sorted out, the longer picture gets thrown out the window.  I need two streams, short and long term pictures to make sure that I am doing both at the same time.

Challenge: Make sure, I have setup two streams of short and long term pictures.
