Biking to Nowhere?

Whenever I go across the West end of Toronto, there is nowhere to bike to. I feel so bored by biking so much to nowhere, and yes I can go up north or east or west or south but I am going nowhere. Biking to somewhere is so much more fun, you get to understand the city better and understand all the ins and outs of the roads.

Seems I am biking to the same places and back home, which really makes me sad. There needs to be a place to bike to, and hang out and have a bit of conversation and bike back home. A place for anyone to hang out in and do whatever they want and have some fun. The place should be alive with people all the time, and open 24/7 that isn't run by an organization. Maybe a house is where this needs to be but knowing the area no neighbours would enjoy this unless the noise voice was low.

Since I have started to Bike more often in my area, there is a lot I am learning about Bikes and how they work. They are really amazing little things that can get you places fast or slow depending on your tire pressure. Every little thing you learn about bikes the more knowledge you know about the world around you.

When we bike to nowhere, we are really understanding that the area around needs to have more interaction. Even when I was biking on and off in the summer, no one was out doing anything. The most people I saw was a Sunday in November in the park nearest me, and I enjoyed that. If we were able to get that many people out every week that would be amazing.

If people have events that I can bike to in the West end, please let me know. Biking all the way downtown everyday is way too much along with the footprint that I am creating.
