Too Far to Travel?

Everyday I think why am I going to these movies, talks, parties, and other places? They are all related to Climate Change, and make me understand the world in a better place, yet I am killing the earth when I go to these places as I live far away from each and every event that happens.

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and here we have a very poor transit system that is raising the fares on all prices to ride this. Since they announced this, I have been thinking why do I need to go downtown at all? I go there for events which should be happening in my neck of the woods. Everyday I go for bike rides in my area, and see nothing at all happening related to Climate Change here, and I ask other people they say the same thing.

Where is the movement to do more in my area?

There isn't one, and I am not sure how to start this when everyone lives east of me, and doesn't want to travel all the way down here. My new plans are to start to find places in my area to have meeting in, and not go downtown at all. What do I need to do downtown, nothing that I know about, and that is always the case.

If you live West of Prince Edward Drive in Toronto, Ontario please lets try to make a movement within our area. I want to gather at least 5 to 10 people to join in on this new movement.

Do you feel that you travel to far?
