Local Farmers Market
In my area of Toronto, I have been trying to find a Farmers Market that runs all year round as that would give people the local food that is needed. In my searches this hasn't been found and I know that there are places here and there but not really called Farmers Market just like a store instead. We need a place that people can walk to and know about throughout that is something huge like the St. Lawrence Market.
When I lived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, there was a Farmers Market that ran every Saturday and was packed every week. This place had the best food, and I could talk to local Farmers all the time. The great thing was that I could just bike to this as the place was like 5 minutes max from the place I lived in.
The place that I am thinking about needs to have a huge area which needs to be indoors as the winters in Toronto can be rough and don't want people to freeze. If we have a building that is huge, we can have people selling anything they want, and a community table for events that would go on. My other ideas earlier about having a building for 24/7 fun, this could still happen with all of this Farmers Market happening once a week.
If people want to get more food everyday we could push to open this twice a week, and have one day with local people from Toronto area and another for outside farmers. This way we are diversity and giving everyone the chance to sell the food they want. With most Farmers Markets they have a huge cost for each and every table that is setup, and with the one I want to create will have a very small cost to have a table. Everyone would be able to table, and would like for people to table every week that way the local people get to know the people who are tabling.
If you are interested in creating a Farmers Market in the West End of Toronto, please let me know. Everyone can help out all we need is the funds and a building and we are rocking off to a good start.
When I lived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, there was a Farmers Market that ran every Saturday and was packed every week. This place had the best food, and I could talk to local Farmers all the time. The great thing was that I could just bike to this as the place was like 5 minutes max from the place I lived in.
The place that I am thinking about needs to have a huge area which needs to be indoors as the winters in Toronto can be rough and don't want people to freeze. If we have a building that is huge, we can have people selling anything they want, and a community table for events that would go on. My other ideas earlier about having a building for 24/7 fun, this could still happen with all of this Farmers Market happening once a week.
If people want to get more food everyday we could push to open this twice a week, and have one day with local people from Toronto area and another for outside farmers. This way we are diversity and giving everyone the chance to sell the food they want. With most Farmers Markets they have a huge cost for each and every table that is setup, and with the one I want to create will have a very small cost to have a table. Everyone would be able to table, and would like for people to table every week that way the local people get to know the people who are tabling.
If you are interested in creating a Farmers Market in the West End of Toronto, please let me know. Everyone can help out all we need is the funds and a building and we are rocking off to a good start.