Day One of Growth

Yesterday, I focused on many areas that help me grow which were food, health, and having fun plus others that come with making decisions.  The best part was the happiness I feel by improving my life.

At breakfast, I have started to eat oatmeal which is great for my body and mind.  I use eat oatmeal everyday but I stopped for a bit, and on track again.  The only problem with oatmeal is too much gluten which makes the oatmeal sticky when heated up.  If people know how to make oatmeal not stick please leave that in the comments.

During the afternoon, I went to go shopping for bicycle lights which was fun as I have biked in recent days in the dark without them.  A few days ago, a reddit story came up about how biking at night without lights is a death wish which I said out loud "that is me".  Below are the ones I bought after talking to people about the story.

Front Light
Back light

I am still looking for ways to use fancy lights to brighten up the spokes area that will allow others to see me even more.  If you have any ideas on how to achieve this, please comment on this post.

I am taking improving my life one step at a time to make sure everything gets done correctly.  Stay happy, and I will see you on the flip side.
