Burned Out?
I am so burned out by the whole environmental movement, all we do is the same old same old. We just do events, fundraisers, actions and long campaigns. We need to really do something that moves the people involved and the ones we meet. The last time this happened for me was when I did the Bike Trip to the tar sands back in the summer of 2007.
When I did the Bike Trip, I felt like I was really connecting with people and doing work that made me feel good. Since this time, I haven't been able to find something that is as moving. What should I be doing now? I know that building coalitions are great but is this the best thing to do nope. We need to be out on the front-lines talking to the people who are facing the hard realities of Climate Change and Environment problems.
Is this another bike trip or another rally or protest? I think that what I need to do is figure out where I can be used the most and work on that. I believe that everyday I try hard to find a project which is really amazing and will give me energy but there are none out there.
I believe a trip like the Sunshine Walk that happened in 2008 with the Toronto Climate Campaign was great to see. For something like this to happen in a different way would give me hope, and be burnt out.
Kyoto Plus did a Bike Trip this past spring to the fall. People came from the north, west, and east and south to Ottawa. We all got the feeling that everything was great at that point. When people arrived in Ottawa they had a strong voice on the Hill.
Maybe what I need to do be doing is just going without thinking about anything. Reading about all the people who just pick up and go out to the other side of Canada to start a journey is great. I myself don't want to leave my footprint everywhere across Canada.
Since I want to do something that is a few months long and starts in the spring and ends in the fall this has be big. Actually having a few people around like 10 at the most that would be great, and we would be able to do this. We would need a diversity group of people to do something with.
Why am I waiting until the spring? My thoughts are do something right now, and make this a project that continues and people can join in. What this would be? Who knows, and I can't say that I have an ideas right now.
If anyone has ideas, please let me know and I will approach every idea with openness.