Sit-ins at Canadian MP Offices

There has been sit-ins happening across Canada, and I have been posting the videos and photos of these. There has been 6 of them happening so far, and I am hoping that they happen at all MPs offices.

Below is the list of sit-ins in order of happening:
  1. Jim Prentice - Calgary, Alberta
  2. Rona Ambrose - Edmonton, Alberta
  3. Jim Flaherty - Whitby, Ontario
  4. Gary Lunn - Sidney, British Columbia
  5. John Baird - Ottawa, Ontario
These are happening more and more, and the photos are below of the sit-ins. As for what they are demanding the press release is below:

Honourable MP:

We held a sit-in at in your constituency office today because the Conservative Government is stalling progress to build a just, meaningful, and binding climate treaty this December
in Copenhagen.

Inaction on climate change is already displacing and killing millions, and sending many into poverty. In Canada, climate change is harming the land and lives of indigenous communities in the Far North. Globally, recent declines in food production due to climate-catalyzed droughts, is causing food shortages in some poor countries and escalating global hunger. Climate caused events like floods, melting glaciers, and sea level rise, are forcing millions to permanently flee their homes, from Pacific islanders to subsistence farmers in India. The UN estimates there will be 150 million climate refugees by 2050.

We call on you MP to publicly commit to do everything in your power to meaningfully and fairly address the global climate crisis.

We call on you MP to make sure the Canadian Government supports a just, meaningful, and binding climate treaty this December in Copenhagen.

We call on you MP to publicly commit to pass the Climate Change Accountability Act, which calls on Canada to drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and do its’ part to solve climate change.

Finally, we demand that you publicly commit to sign the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Climate change is a human rights issue, and First Nations in Canada are feeling climate change worst and first.

The global climate crisis is threatening our future, and humanities’ future. We have passed the time for inaction. We demand change. We were forced to end our protest today but our struggle for climate justice will continue.


People For Climate Justice

Photos are below of each and every action that has happened:

Jim Prentice's Office:

Rona Ambrose's Office:

Jim Flaherty's Office:

Gary Lunn's Office:

John Baird's Office:

As they continue to do these actions, I will continue to update the website with photos and videos as I get them.


Anonymous said…
I love it, according to the treaty, climate justice will cost about .7% of GDP. That's $400 per person per year, for a family of 4 that's $1600 per year in new taxes. And what will the poor nations do with the new climate justice money? Now that the AK47 is made in China and sells for $5 each they can finally buy all of the guns they need to make war with their neighbours. That's 200,000 AK47's for $1 million. Instead of saving the planet, you folks will be arming it.

This treaty is a dangerous experiment. It must be deeply reviewed before we sign it, and I'll bet you haven't even read it yet. Go back to Russia!