People Moving?

Everyday, I think of moving to the downtown of Toronto and wonder if that is right to do. I know that my carbon footprint would be huge just from the moving and this is permanent forever. What should I do?

From the ways other countries do this outside of North America, they stay at the same house for a very long time. They understand that everything you need is at the house you are already at. Why do we need to move?

I see all my friends living downtown unless married, and I feel they have such a good life as they are closer to everything that goes on. My wishes for the last few years has been to live downtown all the time but why? Why did I think that was better?

We move outside of our parents house is to get away from the arguing and fighting along with moving a living for ourselves. I still feel that we are missing the point of moving out and creating a bigger footprint on the world. If we want a smaller footprint, we need to stay in the same house the whole time.

The last time, I moved was to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and I loved the city but I now know that my impact on the world was huge. If I want to make a smaller impact, why can't I stay in the my parents place and still make a good living? We can all do that, but yes I do understand that not everyone can do that.

If everyone could live in the same house they grew up in that would be amazing but with the problems that happen this is hard.

Here are the conditions you would need:
  1. Parents are let you stay
  2. A House that is not in fighting
  3. A decent amount of money
Besides all of this you don't need anything more, but we know that this is harder to do in countries that are at WAR. In other countries like ones in Africa, or India or China or rural cities, families stay in the same place or very close together.

My question is: Why do people move far away from family members?
