PR before Copenhagen

We do we create this PR machine to get governments to listen to us before a huge conference? I am confused about this as we want to get our messages out in every way possible. There has been so many messages coming out on both sides of Climate Change.

If we really wanted to get Governments to listen we just need to keep pushing them that the people in their country really want changes to Climate Change Policy. I heard that if 10% of people in any country really want change on any issue that is enough to change the government. We just have to show a massive force that the 10% is really wanting new Climate Change Policies.

There has been a few videos coming out in recent months that show Climate Change is an issue every side is taking seriously. Below are just a few that I have found.

This is a video about Cap and Trade, and how bad this is for anyone to accept. From what I know Cap and Trade is bad news and we should never accept this. This video explains this.

The Story of Cap & Trade from Story of Stuff Project on Vimeo.

This is a video about how the Tar Sands is the worse thing to Climate Change ever. In Canada, we all know that the Tar Sands are bad, and need to stop this but hope others at Copenhagen get the message.

Here is a video from the third protest of sit-ins at MPs offices across Canada. I showed you the first one that happened in Alberta. If there is a video of the Rona Ambrose’s office sit-in, please can you show me this?

People For Climate Justice - Flaherty's Office Nov 20,2009 from estevan on Vimeo.

Here is a Video by Exxon Mobile:

Here is a speech by BP that shows they are trying to invest in alternatives.

We need to voice both sides of the issue but we also need to push both sides to show up at COP15 in Copenhagen. If we can get this PR machine on both sides to slow down and tell people the real truth about the Climate Change issue we would be better off. Most people don't care about protests or politics or what technology is good to use. All they want are the straight facts and systems that provide them with the way to better the world.

When will people start to show up and change the system? We need action on Climate Change now at the local level.
