ENFJ to Running

I took the Myers Briggs test that tells your personalities.  From the results of the test I got ENFJ, and feel that is exactly what I am to the T.  Others were doing the test at the same time and I figured why not do the same test and see what my results are.  Since the last time I took the test, over 11 or 12 years ago, I have had massive amount of change in my life.  I normally get a split of introvert and extrovert but I feel that I am switching to extrovert more.  This is where I want to go but didn't know about the other personalities that would come out in the test.  People would say normally, I am not a feeling person but as I have grown older, I am starting to show my feeling more outwards then inside of myself.

The biggest lesson I learned is that I take on too much and try to make sure everything gets done.  This shows that I can be in leadership positions but almost means that I work too hard.  I do work too hard and the amount of time I put to volunteer causes instead of focusing on myself and getting paid could fill 7 earths.  The key from the test is to focus on myself more and put enough of that energy into getting paid.

Now that I look at the actual traits of a ENFJ, I see that most of this makes sense to me.  I am wanting to keep to a schedule, feel organized and be the responsible one when I am around others.  This year has been about keeping schedules better, getting organized with life.  Beyond that, I don't want my past to show up anymore that I am not responsible.  Maybe a lot of what I am showing these days are a result of wanting to break the mould that my parents and the rest of my family put me into.  This blog has shown me that I need to be around people and be out in the open to enjoy life.

Beyond the test, I have been running more lately which is not normal for me.  My father has always said, "You should jog."  I never really took up that advice as I always need to find out what I want to do in my life on my own.  Currently Canada is in winter and I know running in the winter is not the best as this is freezing cold.  Yet, Toronto seems to be in a bubble and doesn't get as cold or the snow other parts of the Greater Toronto Area does.  Yet, I actually like to running and really enjoy the peace I get when I do this at night when no one is awake in the neighbourhood.  Running has given me a sense of joy and freedom to really focus on nothing but my breathing and what is around me.
