Therapy to Super Happy
I have been to therapy before which was actually really good that I went. I got to understand a lot about myself and the way my mind works. The results were follow what I enjoy and drawing my feelings is always good. I was able to talk about both at the therapy session almost all the time, and felt more alive when I was pouring out my feelings.
The reason therapy ended was my parents went to one session and they decided after that, they didn't want me going anyone. They felt the therapist was against them and that therapy wasn't really working for me at all. They didn't see the results that I did inside of myself, so they didn't want to waste any more money. Since that time, I haven't gone back to a therapist but my parents and family have still been trying to figure out what is wrong with me.
When I was in therapy, art really get me to express myself as back when I was in therapy, I wasn't the most talkative person. Art really helped bring out what I was thinking at the moment, and the therapist made me tell stories about my art. I really enjoyed the story telling part as my art can be viewed many different ways. The key point for me is art brings out what is inside the creative part of my mind.
Beyond that, I am super happy these days. I have had a lot of uplifting advice and different ways of figuring out who I am. All of the results have made me see the world in a happier way then I normally see my life. With that, I am jumping at the chance to have more fun in my life and really put myself out there. I never knew that I would want to put myself out there even as early as last year. I will continue to be super happy and enjoy life to the fullest.