What I Eat in a Day to Trust

I eat the same food over and over again.  I know that I should have variety in my life but I never think of anything new to cook.  I really like cooking but this is the same food all the time.  If I had a wide range of food to pick from, I would choose to make different food everyday.

The foods I eat now in a normal day is cereal, pasta, stir-fry, bagel, and smoothie.  I know that this is a lot of starch and need to get away from eating so much.  The problem is I don't think of what else to eat.  I always open the fridge and see too much food to pick from.  I take too long to pick what to eat and then go for what is the same.  If I had noodles, I would make that more often, yet I don't buy that often.  Also I would make bread from scratch if I had the right ingredients.

This is the type of food I do eat, yet I still feel I can go along way to making sure I get all the nutrients I need.  The current food I eat is great but having diverse food would allow me to not have the same food for the rest of my life.  Food does make me happy but I need to really get interested in making different food well so that I can cook for others sometimes.

Beyond that, I have had problems in my life.  One of them was losing the trust of my parents who thought I would never do what I did.  A couple of years ago, I was looking into doing a website with someone and I didn't get paid for helping them.  I thought that was fine as sometimes I don't get paid to do websites.  The next time the same person contacted me, I was communicating with this person for ages and then in the end, I lose so much money.  I wasn't sure how to get out of the situation I was in, and everything was falling apart.  My parents and family were so upset when I told them that I did something, as big as that, wrong.  They have never trusted me since that time in anything big as in money and the window to come back from that hasn't and I don't think will ever go away.
