Togetherness to Dating
I read recently, young people in my generation or younger want to be together with people more often. They value togetherness more then most other generations and put that higher on their list then money or owning a house. People feel better when they are around others and enjoying the company that comes with being together. There use to be a time when many farmers use to work on their own. Now farmers seem to like being around others to sell foods at farmer markets and other places.
I have found that being together with friends or family is what I enjoy but only the right amount. Being a freelance and working on my own can get boring and lonely. This is why when I volunteer, being around others during meetings or afterwards makes me feel happy and alive.
Some of the time, I feel not be around others is a problem I created. I am not pushing myself to get out there and do things that will put me in front of others. I do like having people in my life but maybe a bigger problem is that I don't have people who I can talk to often. Having others talk to me solves most of my problems. Beyond that, comes the actions to show that I am doing what I am talking about. Maybe, I need to push my boundaries to increase the number of times people are around me.
With that, I have been trying more in recent years to find someone to date. Most people tell me, everything will come on its own if I work on other aspects of my life. I am trying to work on all aspects of my life one by one, yet nothing seems to be working out. The whole idea of dating is to be around people that you enjoy, and I haven't been able to find that person yet. Another aspect is more people recently have viewed my profile on online dating sites from the USA, maybe wanting to move up to Canada. I still am not able to get someone who will want to take this to the next level with me. This would include meeting in real life + go on multiple dates.