Hoping for New Job and Changing Life

I am scared if I get the new job next month as I don't know how others will react.  The reaction is not to the new job but to me as a person who identifies as agender but presents as male for the moment.  I would like to present as a femme person who is agender but hard to do when I have a culture that doesn't move with society that fast.  With the new job coming along, the person currently in the role said I will get the job.  I am scared that people will perceive me as a female as my name that I go by.

The best part is blowing people mind's with misconceptions of how I appear to be.  I don't like people seeing me for who they think I am but who they don't think I am.  The whole idea is that when people make judgement calls, and say this person must be female or have the pronouns she or he, I tell them nope on both fronts.  I am agender and they/them are my pronouns.

Really the new job if I get this will change my life and make everything much better.  This is the first time, I have really pushed myself to do something without any backup as of right now.  The whole idea is not scary but is hard to get around when I look at the big picture.  There are ways that this can go wrong and if they do I will start to cry.  Crying is actually what helps me grow sometimes as I learn and grow as a person.

Beyond that, I have been thinking about everything and there has been three pieces that really make me happy.  I am going to move out this year for sure and there is no stopping me, my over thinking everything is going to stop, and going to be happy in everything I do.  I shouldn't come across as a person who is sad or a mess this year.  This year, 2017, is going to be the best year ever if I continue to break down walls and really push myself to do more.
