Uninterested in Meetings and Events to Drawing More Art

When I doodling as I am taking or making notes, I know that I am bored at the moment.  I really want to feel interested in the meetings or events I am in.  I have been doodling for along while as I feel that I am hearing or seeing the same things people are talking about.  The other way, I feel that I can tell I am bored is when I am on my cellphone more then usual. Being bored has been more evident in my generation as people want to do more things that are fun and interested as opposed to just going day to day being bored.

One way people have said, I can get out of being bored or not looking interested in the event or meeting is to ask questions or get engaged in the topic by speaking up.  If I am really not interested in something, I don't want to fake that I am interested. I feel if I am fake that shows people the wrong version of me.  I know I don't show everyone everything about myself but I would like to show only real parts of me.

I don't want people to see me as a fake person.  This will stay with people if you are only being fake and not being yourself.  For me, that means if I am not interested in something that means I am not being fake but trying to be real.  My voice seems to carry weight but in the end, I don't want my voice to be fake but as real as possible.

Beyond that, with the doodles I mentioned above, I should be getting back into drawing art again.  I have done art on and off for years but would like to push to do more.  Art really makes me happy and relaxed each and every time I engage in drawing.  In my mind, I always think about what could happen to any scenario that I am involved in.  If I could draw the art from my head, I would have a wall full of drawings.  Art seems to play a huge piece in my mind but putting this on paper is harder beyond the doodles.  Maybe another goal for this year is to draw everyday in one of my art pads that will help me grow into a happier person.
