Coming Out Update #2

I will be updating everyone on my situation everyday as this is helping me grow as a person and really push forward.

Since posting the ads for finding a place to stay, I have been contacted by one person which I didn't feel that was the right situation for me.  This was an airbnb situation which I am not very comfortable with and they are very expensive.  I will be looking into other airbnb situations but in the past, they have been pretty expensive as they are all daily costs plus a lot of other fees.

From yesterday, I wrote that there are last options that I could do to support myself which there are many.  The ones, I am thinking about require me to expose myself and/or sleep with people.  I am not comfortable doing this even when this is not for money.  I had roommates in the past who have done this, and they have told me stories which freak me out even more.  Along with all of that, I have never exposed myself to other people before and might never do that.

One way to get more money coming in, I have setup a Patreon page that will allow people to donate to me.  This is the first step to finally supporting myself 100% and everyday, another step will come be taken.  Even if this takes a lot of time to get everything setup and supporting myself, everything will come together if I take big steps everyday.

How do I know which style of fashion I want?  Well, I have an eye for design and have been looking at fashion for many years.  The style has taken years to figure out but I feel this is way I would like to do.  In the past, I have worn all black and thought I would have a goth style but I never really went down the goth route.  Now, I want to wear bright colours all over and really show my happiness.  This would include, skirts, graphic tees, skater shoes and super long hair.

What is my sexual orientation?  At the moment, I am pansexual, but as I move forward in my life, I have more and more feel that I am actually lesbian.  This is a huge chance but for me, now and in the past, dating people who identify as men has made me scared and always feeling that most want to sleep with me after first date.

Do I want to have kids?  I have thought about having kids which my family and culture does push me to have them, I am unsure.  My current thoughts is if I could give birth to my own kids, I might have them.  There are other environmental friendlier ways to have kids in my family but I want to have the feeling of having kids of my own.  Can I do that as a person in my situation, at the moment nope but how that medical advances can make this happen.

If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.

Please support me via donating on my Patreon page.
