Fluent Sign Language to Getting in Shape

I have started to really get back to learning Sign Language which has really helped me understand myself better.  Every time, I go deep into sign language, I always come out the other side stronger.  I am learning something that I have wanted to do for my whole life and this is the time to do this and not waste any more time.  The best times is when I am really learning something I really like and making sure that I am able to do this solidly.

When I started was last year when I took a free weekly class for a bit and really enjoyed that.  Now I am in search of someone who can teach me more then I already know but this is super hard as not that many people know the language.  I am trying to use apps and youtube to learn more but that is not always the best way to learn a language.  The best way is to practice with others throughout the day and be immersed in the language.

I do want to become fluent in sign language but this is always a problem as finding someone to learn with is hard.  Once I am able to do find someone that will take everything in my life up a notch.  The whole reason to be able to change my first language from english to sign language.  People might think that is bad if I can speak but I do have a hearing problem that comes on and off, and since I was very young, I wanted to do this.

My other determination this year is to get into really really good shape.  I will be starting very soon to do that, and really get in shape.  This has been my goal for years but I have never done this for long enough.  Including working out, eating right, and making sure that everything I do is putting me in better shape then I was the day before.  This is the time to take up another notch, to change my life this year.

Starting today, I will be writing a blog post everyday for the rest of the year.  If you have questions to ask me, I will put them into a post to answer them.
