Body Confidence to Making Decisions

I have had body confidence problems for since I was a teenager and still have huge issues.  The problems are with weight, private problems, hair on body + face and eyeglasses.  I will go through them one by one.  Weight, I am skinny but can have times where I eat very little or eating a lot but am always underweight for my height.  Private problems, since I want to change to femme, I wish I could get rid of what I have now.  Hair on body + face, wanting to get rid of hair on those parts as I change to femme.  Eyeglasses, I want to show off my eyes but have to hide them beyond these ugly specs.

In summary, as I change to femme as slow as a snail, I want to change many different body parts.  If they do happen that would make me happier and show the true me.  On the other hand, the one thing that I am trying to love more and more is my hair as I grow this longer.

I feel the image above is exactly the way I feel these days.  I do want everything that is listed, and more.  Yet, looking at the bottom of the list, what I do need is a change in perspective and higher self esteem.  This will come when I have switched over to being femme and really embrace that fully.  Why not now?  Well because changing to femme will give me more confidence and make me enjoy life better.

Do you ever have body confidence problems?

Since, I am talking about body confidence, the need to push myself to make decisions is really big.  Most of the time, I feel very stuck and unable to move forward in my life because I take forever to make decisions.  Even though, I knew I was wanting to transform to femme, I took 10 or more years to finally put the pieces together and say this out loud.  I have only changed/checked off one item from my list, to the not legal or family world, which is using a new name.

The slowness that I travel is keeping me back in a lot of ways.  Making decisions is going to be key in 2017 to make that the best year ever.
