Elf Queen to Vampires

The whole LARPing movement has inspired me lately as I have been thinking about this more.  The amount of LARPing material, I have read has increased ten-fold as I have been happier in that space. I am getting more and more excited by thinking about LARPing but haven't tried this out yet.  The best LARPing are the longer ones that happen over days and are similar to Dungeons & Dragons.

I played Dungeons & Dragons and massive multiplayer games before, and moving into LARPing would be new to me but I would be able to understand the stories.  The stories are one part, and the costumes are another part which I would have to learn loads about before I could really get into the LARPing world.

If I had to pick a character, I would be an elf princess that could moonlight as a wood elf that is super fit and able to help people.  Elves are the best characters and really cute to look at.  Not to mention the dress are super cute and really making me feel happy.

What is your favourite LARPing character to be?

Well beyond that, I would love to date a real vampire.  This would make an interesting pair, an elf queen and a vampire from two different worlds.  Yet, I would still want this to happen if possible.  I am smiling as I write this and turning my dream into a reality would make me over the moon.

If anyone knows a vampire, I could date, please comment below.
