Parents Rules to Open Up in LGBTQIA+ Space

When you live somewhere you really want to make sure that rules are equal for everyone, and that no one is taking up too much space.  Yet, when I live with my parents most of the time, I have to be shielded by the rules they set out or as they say "You can live somewhere else."  When you are not making enough money to live elsewhere, that would mean living on the streets which I would never do.

With that, there are many rules that I don't really like but I have to do them to keep my parents happy most of the time.  I do make noises of disagreement when my parents ask me to do things or when they think whatever they want done is more important then anything I have going on in my life.  The reason my parents think almost everything they say I should do is more important is that I am not making enough money in their eyes.

The above quote really does make me feel really happy to read.  Everytime I try to move forward, I always feel everything needs to be figured out beforehand.  Yet, as the quote says I don't really need to have everything figured out.

One of my goals for this year, 2017, is to move out of my parents place and into my own.  I say this every single year but I am going to make this happen no matter what.  Actually, I am happy that I will try to move out and will stop at nothing to get that done.

Beyond that, I have been trying to enter more LGBTQIA+ spaces and really get the help I need to make myself feel happy.  My head is full of many different thoughts that need opening up and be spoken out loud.  I can't sit back and let myself be closed off and never get the space to really get moving.
