Day #14 Body Hair Phobia

Today's post is going to be a bit icky and weird for some people.

I have always thought that body hair made me look more male and not having body hair would make me more female.  This is why, I grow my facial hair out some of the time.  Yet, in society, people grow body hair all the time, and this has nothing to do with gender.

With that said, my gender dysphoria has played mind games with me.  I feel that living in a place where you are told your whole life that this is the way male and female's look, that view gets stuck in your head.  For me, I need to rethink that everything is black and white when really thinks can be multicoloured everywhere.

As I think about my views, I have never really liked body hair on myself.  The whole idea makes me want to shave all of my body hair off this second but I know people around me would totally never understand.  For me, I have to break out of the listening to everyone else first box, and put myself first.

When I start to put  myself first, I believe the true me will come over and shine.  There are many people who have gender dysphoria and/or body hair phobia but still come out on top of those.  As I look at both, I know, I will be able to be more outgoing and shine as a person if I was able to appear the way I wanted to.

I shouldn't be afraid of body hair as this is natural which everyone has.  What I am more afraid of is how I appear to myself and that is scary everyday but I still get up and do what I have to do.
