Day #16 Having Sustainable Experiences

Today was an interesting day as I have understand a lot more about life in general and the ways to make everything flow better.  I never really noticed that trying to have sustainable experiences was about sensing everything around you.

The best way to experience this, is to make sure that all your resolutions are put into SMART goals, and really focused that will have you doing them at least 30 days throughout the way.  Once, you have done anything in your life for 30 days, you will then come to the realization if you want to continue on or throw that out with the navy shower water.

I have had many SMART goals in my life but I don't keep on going when I get bored or busy or focused on something else.  Yet, this year, I am trying to do all my goals in a sustainable way to make sure over the year, I can make them fully apart of my life.

The biggest one is experiences and a friend said "You should continue on even if you miss a day", which is 100% true.  If I miss a day with my experiences, I know that I can continue on the next day and learn why that happened.  Experiences will be second nature to me and I will be able to think of them easier as the year go on.

Right now, I have a hard time figuring out of any experiences but I know that in January this is all about experiencing how to feel more sustainable, happiness and joy in my life.  Since this is the half way mark of January, I can say, all three have been amazing.  I am actually feeling happier in my life because I am looking for looking items that make me want to move on with the day.

Going forward as I get into bigger experiences, I will have to take them slower.  Slower means taking the experience fully in and actually explain why I am doing that.  I need to not rush the good stuff in life as that will pass me by like a truck full of food on a highway.

Overall, this year is about sustainable experiences that I can take in slowly and change my life perspective.
