Art of Cooking

There is such an art with cooking, and I have been learning so much in trying to make that art come alive whenever I cook... Just the different foods that go into each meal, and how they are presented on the plate... Every meal has to have an experience, story around on where you got the recipe or how you made the meal... No one makes same food the same way they always add something different to meet their tastes... With the food I cook, I just use whatever I can find, and put them all together, normally they taste great... The only thing I have noticed is making fruit drinks is really hard as if you mix the wrong fruits turns out really bad, and no one will drink that..

Well there are some foods I like making more then others, mac and cheese is one of them.. If you add vegs, and other things makes the whole meal better and gives you more energy... When I was in Katimavik, the best meal that everyone could make was meatloaf, that was so amazing... My cooking was very bad at times, but I liked what I made and by the end I understood tons more about cooking... This girl named Emilie from Montreal made the best meals ever, and every time she did, no one would complain..

Tasty Meatloaf

Yummy Vegetable Chilli


om said…
shawn i've always wondered what goes in meatloaf -- it seems so gross!


i'm still not really cooking despite being back in school. instead, i eat out or share cooking tasks with my roommate. i want to get better at it, but it's just so much work!!!
minisystem said…
i like food. a little too much. i like cooking too. food is fun.