ForestEthics Rally

I have been working on my volunteer work at ForestEthics, and there has been a bunch of things coming up in the last little while.. One thing I have been working on are handbills for the upcoming rally, and I made two of them.. They are really neat as one lists the events that are coming up but not all of them might happen as they might not get enough people.. The other one is about the rally and where and time of the rally. I also have made a poster for the rally, and the details to the event and what this whole rally is about..

As for now, I am looking for 4 marshalls that can help me in keeping the area of the rally safe and under control.. Right now I don't have anyone but I am going to be asking tons of more people, and hopefully someone is going to say yes.. Hard to find any people who are willing to help out as lots of people are busy or just don't see any reason to help.. I just need 4 marshalls and you get to wear a safety vast, and get to help out in a rally that will save forests in Canada..

More work will come my way as I finish jobs up, and do a very good job on them.. Right now the handbills and the poster I did, got really good reviews by the Toronto Office.. They are really nice people at the office, and I enjoy working with them, and just being around a great group of people.. With everything going on nowadays they are trying to get 500 people to the rally and 2000 to support the org...

ForestEthics Rally Poster
ForestEthics Rally Poster

ForestEthics Events HandBills
ForestEthics Events Handbills


om said…
shawn good work.

the group sounds pretty ambitious if they want to get 2000! people. but i guess you aim high.

you should ask seema for some input on the design, as she might help you further develop your skills.

if i may make some small suggestions: the justification of the text on the right hand side of the second image looks a bit odd. maybe just left align?

also on the left hand side, in the lsat sentence, you use the word urgent, when you want the word urge, i think.
