Learning from Cultures to Express My Art

As I have talked about a number of times on this blog, I have a number of labels that I put on myself.  People in society see me differently but based on my appearance pigeon hole me but I put more labels on myself then anyone puts on me.  Another label is that I am is half-person of colour(poc) which is weird because I don't fit in the box as white or poc.  Sometimes, I feel like I want to identify as a white person and other times, I really want to identify as poc.  Yet, when I am in a group that wants to talk about certain issues within various different labels, I don't know where to put myself.

From all the stats I read, there are more people being born who are half and half not one culture.  This seems to be a very popular thing to do is date outside of your culture as more people don't seem bound by the old rules.  Yet, when  families sometimes want a mix of people getting married to different cultures and other times same cultures.  There is always the hard part to always marry in the same culture as most people say, date who you like.

I really think the photo above is how I look at life as half full.  I am not one culture and that allows me to be half full.  I don't get the full experience of one culture but half of each of the cultures.  If there is a discussion going on, I might not know what it feels like to be fully immersed in that culture.

I seem to get busy a lot of time with needless things where I could use my time more wisely.  For what it is worth, I have been thinking about getting back into doing art which I do on and off.  Doing art, is one way that I could express myself and really get a lot of my thoughts out. 

The way I love to express myself through art is drawing, and dancing.  Sometimes, I need a break from reality which these forms of art give me.  I can jump out of my real life and jump back in whenever I feel the need to.
