Challenges of Dressing for Non-Traditional Gender Update #2
I will be doing a series every week from Monday to Friday on one topic that screams me to talk about.
Normally, I am not into famous people and never have been in my life. I do like music, and some people who are in the music industry but not in I think the famous person is my favourite person in the whole world. This brings me to Chelsea Manning that was released today after 7 years in jail for releasing secret information to wikileaks that the US military didn't want people to know about. As part of this, she has wanted to transition to being female. All of this makes me very happy as this allows the story of people wanting to transition to non-traditional genders get into the wider society mind. This also allows society to move forward in their thinking of how they view people who are switching to dress a non-traditional gender.
With that being said, most people don't have role models who have changed how they dress to a non-traditional gender. As that is the case, people look at the media either in news, films, or music for famous people. This means that some people are more valued because of how media takes the story on. As I learn everyday and even today, people need to go beyond who they know and learn to interact with others. The biggest problem with that is when you are starting out, like I am, to dress in a non-traditional gender, you feel less willing to tell people this is what you want to do.
Are famous people the only way to have role models? Not really, some people actually have real life role models. This could be from anyone who is around in their life even if they dress in traditional gender that they were born into. Some ways people can be role models is being supportive of people who want to dress in non-traditional gender. Asking questions and answering ones is the best way to be a role model. If you don't know either of these, doing research is the first step to understanding what to do. Sometimes, doing this together with someone who is asking the questions like your kids will make them feel happier.
Is the media really putting out your story? Most of the time, the media wants to put out stories that will get them the viewers. This means, they don't put out stories of people dressing in non-traditional gender. They feel the stories will be too controversial for their readers even if they do dress a non-traditional gender. Changing this means making our own media and getting out our own stories that people can see what is really going on. Some of the stories need to relate to what people in society go through everyday before they really take this seriously.
Can dressing a non-traditional gender be wrong? Some people will always think this is wrong in society and should never happen. Truly this is not wrong at all as people should be allowed to do what they feel is right if not harming themselves. Overall, this is not wrong and people should get that out of their head that dressing in a non-traditional gender is wrong. Wrong is a word to stop people from doing bad things but dressing in a non-traditional gender is not bad.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.
Please support me via donating on my Patreon page.
Normally, I am not into famous people and never have been in my life. I do like music, and some people who are in the music industry but not in I think the famous person is my favourite person in the whole world. This brings me to Chelsea Manning that was released today after 7 years in jail for releasing secret information to wikileaks that the US military didn't want people to know about. As part of this, she has wanted to transition to being female. All of this makes me very happy as this allows the story of people wanting to transition to non-traditional genders get into the wider society mind. This also allows society to move forward in their thinking of how they view people who are switching to dress a non-traditional gender.
With that being said, most people don't have role models who have changed how they dress to a non-traditional gender. As that is the case, people look at the media either in news, films, or music for famous people. This means that some people are more valued because of how media takes the story on. As I learn everyday and even today, people need to go beyond who they know and learn to interact with others. The biggest problem with that is when you are starting out, like I am, to dress in a non-traditional gender, you feel less willing to tell people this is what you want to do.
Are famous people the only way to have role models? Not really, some people actually have real life role models. This could be from anyone who is around in their life even if they dress in traditional gender that they were born into. Some ways people can be role models is being supportive of people who want to dress in non-traditional gender. Asking questions and answering ones is the best way to be a role model. If you don't know either of these, doing research is the first step to understanding what to do. Sometimes, doing this together with someone who is asking the questions like your kids will make them feel happier.
Is the media really putting out your story? Most of the time, the media wants to put out stories that will get them the viewers. This means, they don't put out stories of people dressing in non-traditional gender. They feel the stories will be too controversial for their readers even if they do dress a non-traditional gender. Changing this means making our own media and getting out our own stories that people can see what is really going on. Some of the stories need to relate to what people in society go through everyday before they really take this seriously.
Can dressing a non-traditional gender be wrong? Some people will always think this is wrong in society and should never happen. Truly this is not wrong at all as people should be allowed to do what they feel is right if not harming themselves. Overall, this is not wrong and people should get that out of their head that dressing in a non-traditional gender is wrong. Wrong is a word to stop people from doing bad things but dressing in a non-traditional gender is not bad.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.
Please support me via donating on my Patreon page.