Mental Health Breakdown Update #1

I will be doing a series every week from Monday to Friday on one topic that screams me to talk about.

Going forward from where I left off in my last blog post, which was end of my post secondary school in a small town.  When I got back to the big city, I was kinda last and needed something to get me on track again.  The next step for me after awhile of feeling like nothing was good for me.  A family member recommended that I do a youth program that has changed some other people who went on there.  I knew that my parents wouldn't want me to do this but with a little push from all sides after I got accepted to get them to agree that I could go.  This program was really good for me as I learned a lot about myself and was able to see some parts of my country too.  This really pushed me to think outside the box too and everyone I went on the program with were so different to me so I felt that everything was challenging in a different way.  I came away from the program happier and the leaders said I changed the most out of anyone.

After I did that, and came back, my parents said, I needed to go back to post secondary so what I did was listen to them and did a computer program.  I know a computer program, again, and at a different school.  The program was the easiest in the whole school, and anyone could do this if they knew anyone about computers.  I did one year of this program and still felt really weird about the whole thing.   I did really like one class which was technical business writing as this really improved my writing skills.  Writing has been something I have enjoyed to do ever since I was in that class.

When I was away at the youth program, I think my mental health was getting better.  Yet, some of the situations were exactly the same as before in my life but there was a lot of new challenges that I really enjoyed.  Meeting some of the new people and understanding more about my country was fun.  I really did grow when I was in the program.  When I came back from the program to go to post secondary, some of the depression came back and I was scared to figure out what to do next.

Can someone get better again which they have mental health issues?  I feel that nowadays I am much better then I was when I first had depressed.  Am I cured all the way, maybe or maybe not but I now have treats that keep me from going into depression.  These steps are really making me happy and feel better about myself.

How did I get the depression I have?  There are two ways that I could have gotten the depression, one could be family.  I feel that there are some people in my family who have this but don't know they have this.  The other way is social with my life events and the stresses in my life.  Both factors could have made the depression come on.

Did changing my surroundings affect my mental health?  I believe this did happen, as I was pushed into new surroundings that were different then how my life had always been.  Seeing the world in a different way helped open up new senses that I didn't really knew I had.  I believe this was the first time, I actually figured out that I am extroverted but also introverted too.  Since that time, I have been pushing myself to be extroverted, even if people say, you shouldn't push them but I really want to.

If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.

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