Gender Identity Update #3

I will be doing a series every week from Monday to Friday on one topic that screams me to talk about.

I am going to do the Gender Tag which is popular in the YouTube community but I will instead write down my answers as I don't do videos at the moment.

  1. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that definition mean to you?  Well, I identify as agender.  What this means to me is that I can express myself in many different ways well knowing that I feel alive with not having a gender.
  2. What pronouns honour you?  I use pronouns they/them.
  3. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.  At the moment, I wear jeans, shirt or t-shirt and sweater.  Is this the style, I would want to wear no, not at all but in the current circumstances that is the way this is.
  4. Talk about your choices with body hair.  How do you style your hair?  Do you have facial hair?  What do you choose to shave or choose not to shave?  I really like my hair long, and in a pony tail but would like to shave one side off if possible.  I do have facial hair, do I want this not at all.  I choose to shave my face only at the moment but I would like to shave everything in the future.
  5. Talk about cosmetics.  Do you choose to wear makeup?  Do you paint your nails?  What types of soaps and perfumes do you use if any?  I don't wear any makeup or paint my nails.  I use regular soaps and no perfumes.
  6. Have you experienced being misgendered?  If so, how often?  Well, since I am agender and appear a certain way, I have been misgendered.  I get misgendered almost everyday of my life.
  7. Do you experience dysphoria?  How does that affect you?  I do experience dysphoria.  This affects the way, I think in my mind and feel around people.  This also affects my interactions with others.  Talking to people can be hard as well.
  8. Talk about children.  Are you interested in having children?  Would you want to carry a child if that were an option for you?  Do you want to be the primary caretaker for any children you may have?  I am interested in having children and giving birth to children myself, if possible.  I want the caretaker role to be split before my partner and me if I have one.
  9. Talk about money.  Is it important to you to provide for a family financially if you choose to have one?  Is it important to you that you earn more then any partner you may have?  Do you prefer to pay for things like dates?  Are you uncomfortable when others pay for you or offer to pay for you?  I would like to provide for my family if I have one, how much is really up to needs.  I don't feel that making more then any partner is important for me.  I do like to pay for dates if I can but not a requirement.  I don't care if others pay for me or offer to pay for me, I pay when I have the money as well.
  10. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?  I have always had a weird relationship with gender so I am inbetween where I want to go with gender.

If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.

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