Mental Health Breakdown Update #4

I will be doing a series every week from Monday to Friday on one topic that screams me to talk about.

A few years ago, I discussed to look back at my whole life and see where this was leading me.  The biggest feeling I got was that, I wasn't the same as everyone else.  I know that there is no normal and everyone has at least one unique thing about them.  Yet, when I really looked back, I thought, I really wanted to date men but knew that wasn't enough as I went deeper.  The deeper, I went and more I got into the LGBTQ+ community, I really knew that since I was a teenage, I wanted to change my appearance and not look the way I was born.  This wasn't overnight by no means, I was really feeling weird and crying sometimes as I knew that my family wouldn't accept me.  As I got to accept that this is what I really want to do, I started to figure out that I had a lot of labels that I needed to put on myself as I grew more into understanding myself.  For my sexuality, I have never actually kissed anyone but men which is kind of weird if I was to change my appearance and not date men anymore.

Going forward, I will have to take in my mental health which was going really up and down at that time.  I didn't know how to make this stable and haven't been able to do that since as I know not everyone is going to accept me for who I am.  Since I did come out to my parents this has been scary as they don't really understand if I was saying that to get out of doing things or not.  The more I look into this, the bigger the issue becomes.  Yet, I know that by allowing people to call me by a name I really feel happy about is the first step to really get my mind in a happy mood.  The next step is to grow my hair long, and then get going on other things that will make my appearance look different.

Have I ever thought of suicide?  I have thought of this, and that was a bit about my depression and everything in my life being sideways.  Since high school, I have been doing a number of things that I enjoyed but most of this has been not good in my life.  Suicide thoughts have come and gone in my life but doing the high times of when I am not going what I want and not busy enough, the thoughts do come back.  The last 8 months have actually made these thoughts go away as I get rid of bad pieces in my life.

Has dating been hard with mental health? Dating has been hard with mental health as I push forward to get everything figured out.  Sometimes I will have a down day and others I will be happy but the real issue is finding people who will not going screaming away from me.  This is about talking to people in real ways and I don't really like to go on dates until I am sure people are real for me.  Most people want society normal to date but I feel that if I am able to date someone who is out of the normal is best for my mental health.  I am unsure who I will date in the future but I know what kind of person I want to date.

Where do I go from here?  Does this get better?  Yes this does, and where I am going to go with my mental health, I can't be sure.  I have no problem making myself happy but does that make other parts of my life right, not really.  I need to push forward with action items like finding a place to live and a way to support myself that will move me out into the life I really like.  After coming out, I feel that I can be myself but need to really amp up some parts of my life faster and faster.

If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.

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