Talking to "Normal" People Update 2
I will be doing a series every week from Monday to Friday on one topic that screams me to talk about.
There seems to be thoughts out there that people who identify as LGBTQ+ are not normal. People who are anything are normal and there is no reason someone can't be who they believe they are. If someone says they were born as LGBTQ+ or straight that is fine, they don't have to prove that they are one way or the other. The reason most people want proof is to know if sexuality is changeable or you are really born with this but don't figure out until you are ready in life. For myself, I feel that you are born as nothing and until you figure this out, you are still nothing. I knew very earlier on in my life which way I was but did I truly know maybe not. Sometimes, what you truly are, is pushed down by society, culture, and family even if you are one way or the other.
To really focus on this, being LGBTQ+ is normal as can be. Yes, everyone knows that LGBTQ+ is not the majority and not be for along while if ever. This doesn't mean they are not normal. Normal for me means that people are doing what feels right to them. Society makes up what is normal but really is pushing out people who are not like them away. Pushing away anyone is not normal and causes a lot of people into certain situations they would not like to be in. LGBTQ+ people have a hard time coming out because they have been taught by most of society that they are not normal. For myself, I am pushing myself to come out even more and more until the day when I can't come out anymore.
Is LGBTQ+ political only? The thought that LGBTQ+ is a political move that is trying to shape politics and change society for the few people within that world. This is not true at all, the LGBTQ+ world is a big umbrella and even with a minority of the population still is a big tent. They are doing this for their own desire and love, not to change the world to their own arguments.
Can having feelings about your sexuality be normal? When you are born or even young, you can have feelings about your sexuality even if you don't understand them. People are normal when they are born and even young. Most parents would like their kids to be happy and they don't really push anyone to be one way or another on the spectrum. This means having feelings of sexuality at any time is normal.
Does society push us to one box? Society tries to put everyone in one box, and throw out people who disagree with them. This is not the right way for society to develop into an accepting world for all. LGBTQ+ people are pushed into one box all the time when someone disagrees with them and keeps them in the closet even longer. People should be able to express themselves anyway they want if this doesn't endanger their lives. There are more then one box that people live in and they should be allowed to break boxes down and show the power that is there.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.
Please support me via donating on my Patreon page.
There seems to be thoughts out there that people who identify as LGBTQ+ are not normal. People who are anything are normal and there is no reason someone can't be who they believe they are. If someone says they were born as LGBTQ+ or straight that is fine, they don't have to prove that they are one way or the other. The reason most people want proof is to know if sexuality is changeable or you are really born with this but don't figure out until you are ready in life. For myself, I feel that you are born as nothing and until you figure this out, you are still nothing. I knew very earlier on in my life which way I was but did I truly know maybe not. Sometimes, what you truly are, is pushed down by society, culture, and family even if you are one way or the other.
To really focus on this, being LGBTQ+ is normal as can be. Yes, everyone knows that LGBTQ+ is not the majority and not be for along while if ever. This doesn't mean they are not normal. Normal for me means that people are doing what feels right to them. Society makes up what is normal but really is pushing out people who are not like them away. Pushing away anyone is not normal and causes a lot of people into certain situations they would not like to be in. LGBTQ+ people have a hard time coming out because they have been taught by most of society that they are not normal. For myself, I am pushing myself to come out even more and more until the day when I can't come out anymore.
Is LGBTQ+ political only? The thought that LGBTQ+ is a political move that is trying to shape politics and change society for the few people within that world. This is not true at all, the LGBTQ+ world is a big umbrella and even with a minority of the population still is a big tent. They are doing this for their own desire and love, not to change the world to their own arguments.
Can having feelings about your sexuality be normal? When you are born or even young, you can have feelings about your sexuality even if you don't understand them. People are normal when they are born and even young. Most parents would like their kids to be happy and they don't really push anyone to be one way or another on the spectrum. This means having feelings of sexuality at any time is normal.
Does society push us to one box? Society tries to put everyone in one box, and throw out people who disagree with them. This is not the right way for society to develop into an accepting world for all. LGBTQ+ people are pushed into one box all the time when someone disagrees with them and keeps them in the closet even longer. People should be able to express themselves anyway they want if this doesn't endanger their lives. There are more then one box that people live in and they should be allowed to break boxes down and show the power that is there.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please leave them below and I will get them when I have a chance. I would love to hear what other people think.
Please support me via donating on my Patreon page.