Mental Health Breakdown Update #2
I will be doing a series every week from Monday to Friday on one topic that screams me to talk about.
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Following the last blog post, after I did one year of the post secondary program. I went on another youth program that got me to one place in my country and another overseas. I also got to be with people from here and overseas. The whole experience was totally eye opening as the people from overseas were from my background so I got to see them up close that I haven't before. The whole situation was a mental breakdown throughout the whole program but I was with some amazing people. The whole issue was that I was doing most things that I didn't really feel I wanted to do. I always feel that is the case for me, I do things that I don't want to do and never really put my voice out there that I want to do this not that. A lot of my mental health during that time was figuring out people who don't really talk about their feelings and try to run away from them. At the time, I also didn't do well to pick up society cues that were going on. Sometimes, I needed to be hit over the head with the cue to actually know that is happening.
After that happened, I went back to the post secondary school to finish the second year out of a two year program. I thought this year as I was able to do fun classes this time around. One of them was around science and another was religion that I really enjoyed and learned a lot more then I thought I would. These really pushed me into wanting to know more about my own religion and the science that is quiet amazing. Since this program was in computers since, I felt at the end of the program, I was really not liking where I was in my life. Yet, I didn't know where I wanted to go from there but the program I did was not my way forward into a career. Overall, I felt the mental health was good during the last year but afterwards, this totally reversed and went downhill from there.
How could I do post secondary with mental health? Even as I was going through mental health problems during post secondary, having people around that were helpful in certain ways was very helpful. This pushed me to do more in post secondary school, and really look forward to what I could do there. Even with the support, I got from the post secondary school, I didn't really use them. Mental health in post secondary school is not the end of the world but doors open into many plus' that I remember.
Were the youth programs helpful if I had a mixed mental health? This was actually the best time, I have had in along time. The youth programs are really good and they pushed me to step outside my circle. I was feeling very happy after each one and felt a new world of responsibility that I need to use my knowledge and experience to help other people in everything that I did. The mixed mental health was good as this got me to think more about life and push in different ways then I did before.
During this time did I do any support group? Actually, I didn't go to support group during this time or before that. One people did recommend this but I didn't at the time feel this was good for me. I knew what was the issue with me and felt that support group was not for me. I wasn't able to talk fully at this time but was learning to use my voice more which was good. If I had gone to support group, I think I would have gone into deeper depression hearing all the other stories. Most times, I like to figure out things on my own before making sure the world is ready for me to say them.
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